Tony Morrison advice on writing well

  1. Embrace the Process: Understand that writing is a process, and it involves multiple stages from conception to completion. Don’t be afraid to revise and rewrite until you achieve the desired result.

  2. Be Willing to Rewrite: Accept that rewriting doesn’t mean your initial work was wrong; it’s about refining and improving your language to convey your message more effectively.

  3. Pay Attention to Detail: Focus on the intricate problems of language. Crafting a compelling narrative involves attention to detail and meticulous editing.

  4. Create Distinct Characters: Develop characters with depth and complexity. Each character should have a unique voice, perspective, and background that enriches the story.

  5. Develop a Critical Eye: Train yourself to read your own work critically. Distance yourself from your writing to identify areas for improvement objectively.

  6. Start Writing: Begin writing without obsessing over the perfect beginning. Sometimes, starting is the hardest part, but you can always refine the beginning later once you’ve gained momentum.

  7. Write with Intimacy: Aim to establish an intimate connection with your readers through your writing. Make your narrative accessible and relatable, drawing readers into the story.

  8. Write with Purpose: Have a clear purpose behind your writing. Whether it’s to tell a story, convey a message, or evoke emotions, ensure that your writing serves its intended purpose.

  9. Be Open to Exploration: Explore different perspectives, voices, and styles in your writing. Don’t limit yourself to familiar territory; be open to experimenting with new ideas and techniques.

  10. Craftsmanship Matters: Approach writing as a craft that requires skill and dedication. Just as a carpenter meticulously builds a chair, hone your writing skills to create polished and compelling narratives.

  11. Read Critically: Engage with literature critically to understand storytelling techniques, narrative structures, and writing styles. Analyze the works of other authors to enhance your own writing abilities.

  12. Trust Your Instincts: Trust your instincts and intuition as a writer. Stay true to your vision and voice, and don’t be afraid to take creative risks.

  13. Embrace Revision as Exciting: View revision as an exciting opportunity to elevate your writing to new heights. Embrace the process of refinement and improvement as an essential part of your creative journey.

  14. Understand Your Characters: Dive deep into your characters’ motivations, desires, and fears. Understanding your characters on a profound level will enable you to create authentic and compelling portrayals.

  15. Maintain Authenticity: Write from a place of authenticity and sincerity. Capture genuine human experiences and emotions in your writing to resonate with readers on a profound level.

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